The Portal Company
The Portal Company

Power Platform Portal Update 9.4.2.x Release Notes

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Power Platform Portal Update 9.4.2.x Release Notes
Microsoft have released a new update to the Power Platform, including new enhancements to the Portal Apps Portal, named number 9.4.2.x.

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues that are resolved/updated in this update. Accessibility
  • Progress bar – ARIA progress bar node doesn’t have accessible name (.bar)
  • Calendar control – Talkback is not announcing the disabled information of next month button on Calendar
  • Profile Page – Required field error message title is not defined as heading causing difficulty for visually impaired user
  • Lookup grid – Proper names are not assigned to check boxes present on lookup grid
  • Profile Page – Keyboard user is not able to remove the tooltip appear near “Change Email” navigation link
  • Address field getting auto updated for key board user pressing esc key without waiting for done button
  • Choices control – Label is not match with name property of the field causing difficulty for the speech to text user
  • Visually impaired user cannot read the hint text of form fields using screen reader
  • NVDA is announcing html element during opening of Create dialog in portal pages
  • Lookup dialog – Search field on the lookup dialog is loosing the focus and defaulted to close button
  • Access Denied page displayed when Page available to everyone is turned off
  • Rich Text Editor – Maker can configure Rich text editor control in portal
  • Sharepoint grid – Pagination on sharepoint grid is not working properly after deleting top record
  • Date control – Date time field value can be changed on read only form by pressing key board key
  • Submit button is not placed properly on the page during record creation
  • Basic form – Action menu button label configuration in Advanced settings is not honouring in portal
  • Lookup dialog – Check box on the lookup dialog grid getting hidden on multiple selection
  • Portal website is not gracefully handled when default website language is not provided
  • Confirmation dialog on case submit form getting disappeared on pressing esc key
  • Delete confirmation message on the subgrid is not honoring localization
  • Maker can apply create, read, update, permission on columns enable for Web API to get granualer control
  • Pro-dev user is able to query the image column from datavers table using liquid script in Web Template to build the pages
  • Entity list – portal stuck at loading of entity list due to empty json array
  • Portals Web API – Retrieving file and image column octate stream using $value doesn’t work
  • Portal RTE Control Background color changes on mouse hover
  • Portals RTE has delay during first load
  • RTE expand button showing as box icon on Portals
This release also contains performance updates, security fixes, and improves overall reliability of Power Apps portals.
March 9, 2022
Dan Norris - Communications Manager ServerSys

Daniel Norris

Daniel Norris is the communications manager for The Portal Company. His role is to bring you the latest updates, tips, news and guides on Dynamics 365.

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